When it comes to legal disputes involving security issues, such as negligent security, premises liability, or use of force, the testimony of witnesses can be crucial to the outcome of the case. However, not all witnesses are the same. Depending on their role and qualifications, witnesses can be classified as either professional witnesses or expert witnesses.
What is a professional witness?
A professional witness (also known as a fact witness or a witness of fact) is someone who can provide factual information about what they observed or experienced in relation to the case. For example, a professional witness could be a security guard who witnessed an assault on a property, a police officer who responded to a security incident, or a doctor who treated an injured person.
A professional witness does not need to have any special expertise or credentials to testify in court. They only need to have personal knowledge of the relevant facts and be able to recall them accurately and truthfully. A professional witness may also be asked to give their professional opinion based on their experience and judgment, but they must make clear what is fact and what is opinion.
What is an expert witness?
An expert witness is someone who can provide an impartial opinion based on their specialized knowledge, skills, or experience in a particular field or discipline. For example, an expert witness could be a security consultant who can assess the adequacy of security measures, policies, and procedures, a forensic analyst who can examine physical evidence, or a psychologist who can evaluate the mental state of a person involved in the case.
An expert witness must have relevant qualifications and credentials to testify in court. They must also demonstrate that their opinion is based on reliable methods, data, and sources. An expert witness does not need to have any personal involvement or connection with the case. They are hired by one of the parties (or by the court itself) to provide an objective analysis of the issues and help the judge or jury understand complex or technical matters.
Fact Witness vs Expert Witness: What’s The Difference?
The main difference between a professional witness and an expert witness is that a professional witness testifies about what they know from their direct observation or involvement in the case, while an expert witness testifies about what they know from their indirect analysis or evaluation of the case.
Another difference is that a professional witness can only testify about facts that are relevant to the case, while an expert witness can testify about opinions that are relevant to the case. A professional witness cannot offer opinions that go beyond their scope of knowledge or experience, while an expert witness can offer opinions that go beyond the common knowledge or understanding of the average person.
A third difference is that a professional witness is usually summoned by the court to testify, while an expert witness is usually hired by one of the parties to testify. A professional witness may receive a standard fee for their testimony, while an expert witness may charge a higher fee for their testimony.
Strategic Security Management Consulting (SSMC) offers certified security expert witness services of the highest caliber. Our expertise encompasses cases involving criminal and workplace violence victims, inadequate security, negligent hiring, training of security personnel, and injuries stemming from security officer use of excessive force. With a comprehensive approach, we extend consultation to various sectors such as healthcare, hospitality, retail, bars & nightclubs, casinos, education, parking lots & garages, and more. Our seasoned consultants serve the interests of both Plaintiffs and Defendants. For expert witness inquiries, kindly connect with us via our online contact form or reach out at 407-385-9167.