Healthcare Security Expert
Hospitals and medical centers are usually part of larger healthcare systems which have a clear main objective: delivering patient care. Healthcare security is vital to the successful operation of hospitals and healthcare facilities; it safeguards patients, family members, visitors, and staff from acts of violence and aggression. It protects everyone’s personal belongings, medical equipment, and hospital property in general. Understanding and evaluating security vulnerabilities and risks is crucial to planning and designing a security program. Healthcare security is not law enforcement, it is a business function that supports the organization’s mission and vision.
The goal of healthcare security is to ensure that staff and patients are aware they are visiting a secure location. A healthcare security expert is a qualified security consultant that is trained to assess risks and make recommendations to protect healthcare organizations. A security expert inspects the hospital’s facilities, background checks employees, and looks for vulnerable areas.
Healthcare Workplace Violence Prevention
Executives in Healthcare know all too well that Hospitals are high-risk environments where staff are exposed to violent and aggressive patients, and that recent high-profile events are driving employee and physician’s concerns for safety. Security is only a piece of an organizational Workplace Violence Program. Effective prevention of workplace violence requires a multi-disciplinary approach with a supporting multi-layered security plan.
Hospital Security Requirements
Hospitals are among the most difficult environments in which to provide security. Hundreds of people visit hospitals every day. Consisting of different buildings and areas, each one requires different security measures. Areas of higher risk, for example, are the pharmacy, the emergency ward and ICU department, and the pediatric care areas. Hospital parking areas require special attention too and should be considered in the design of security policies.
Hospital security requires a strategic plan aligned with the medical organization’s own goals. A good security program controls entry and exit points, prevents access to unauthorized or restricted areas, monitors and records activity using surveillance systems, has a clear protocol for handling violence, and specifies when to call for local law enforcement.
Well-trained health security forces will know how to deal with crisis management, understand procedures to prevent security events, and handle them once they arise. Commitment to patient and employee safety reflects proper training and education of the workforce who serves at healthcare facilities.
A safeguard is a component of the security system. To further strengthen security, physical safeguards are to be combined with psychological safeguards such as video monitoring cameras in plain sight. Although psychological and physical control can be distinguished, most physical controls also give some psychological protection, such as night lighting. Over the last years, the electronic components of physical safeguards have grown and are improving the security system overall at a very fast pace.
What is data security in healthcare?
Not only do patients need to be safe but their data also needs to be secured. As a patient is inclined to divulge highly private information to the doctor and health system, the confidentiality and security of any health-related information is crucial to maintaining the patient’s trust. Today, patient records with private information are digitally stored. Unfortunately, electronic documents increase the risk of data breaches. A single data breach can compromise thousands of patient health records at once. Data security is an essential component of the healthcare sector to protect sensitive patient data and adhere to rules like those imposed by HIPAA. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act sets a standard for patient data protection in the US.
Healthcare Security Consultant
SSMC understands each hospital or healthcare system has its own unique identity, and that “one-size-fits-all” security solutions are not the best approach when designing a Security Program. SSMC’s all-inclusive strategic global assessments are tailored to each Client’s needs and performed by peer-reviewed Certified Healthcare Security Experts with actual Hospital & Healthcare Security Management experience. If you are looking for a Healthcare Security Consultant, contact us through our contact form or call us at (407) 385-9167.