Consultants at SSMC Security have been featured in top podcasts and webinars from various healthcare and legal trade organizations. Our security experts dive deep into many critical issues facing healthcare security today. From strategies to prevent workplace violence to implementing advanced security measures, these episodes cover the essential steps that healthcare facilities can take to protect their staff and patients. Our President and Chief Consultant, Bill Marcisz shares actionable insights drawn from years of experience in security consulting and healthcare compliance.
Whether you’re a healthcare executive, administrator, security professional, or simply passionate about creating safe environments, we invite you to explore these engaging discussions and learn more about the proactive approaches that can make a difference. For tailored security consulting, call us at 407-385-9167 or fill out a contact form.
The Healthcare Security Cast
Episode 28 – Interview with BIll Marcisz Part 1
On this Episode of The Healthcare Security Cast we are joined by Bill Marcisz. Bill will share how he implemented strategic planning to build a nationally recognized security program. Bill starts this episode off with his insights related to investigations before we shift gears to strategic planning.
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Episode 29 – Interview with BIll Marcisz Part 2
On this episode of The Healthcare Security Cast we conclude our two part interview with Bill Marcisz as he wraps up his advice for strategic planning and discusses other topics including culture and K9s in healthcare security.
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The Great Conversation
Augmenting the Protector with New Eyes & Ears
The Great Conversation works with its community of leaders to source people who are bringing ideas to life. If ideas matter, actionable results also matter. Workcan be purpose-driven and intentionally missional in empowering our path to value.
Listen to EpisodeThe Great Conversation
The 5 Pillars of a Strategic Security Program
I meet many people who are unconscious competents. They intuitively know what to do, and largely are successful at doing it. And then there are the conscious competents. They took the time to understand what they do including the why of it, and the value of it. They document, teach, and, most importantly for any leader competing for funds, sell their program to their stakeholders. I met Bill Marcisz when he was the Executive Director of Security, Safety, and Emergency Management at AdventHealth in Central Florida. AdventHealth is known as a trailblazer in their research and their use of emerging technology. Bill not only ran this critically acclaimed program, but he also was called upon as a nationally recognized and Board-Certified Security Expert. After all he has over 40-Years of Security & Legal Experience.
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Best Practices for Hospital Workplace Violence
WEBINAR: The Joint Commission’s Workplace Violence Requirements with William Marcisz, JD, CPP, CHPA
Bill Marcisz reviewed The Joint Commission’s New Workplace Violence Requirements:
- Identify The Joint Commission’s New Standards for Hospitals
- Compliance with New Standards
- Best practices for WPV Prevention, Response, Reporting, and Education
Avoiding Negligent Security Claims in Hospitals
Negligent Security in Healthcare
Negligent security claims can be costly and time-consuming for hospitals and health systems, regardless of the outcome. Healthcare-related lawsuits involving inadequate security are on the rise. These cases typically hinge on proving duty, breach, damages, and causation. In this session, our host Tony York and guest William (Bill) Marcisz, JD, CPP, CHPA will discuss interesting cases from their careers in healthcare security and identify common security gaps that pose the greatest risk and exposure. Tune in to learn how to best defend your healthcare facility.
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ASIS International
Sustaining Hospital Threat Assessment Teams | Security Snapshots
Hospitals are cities unto themselves, and that nature includes the risk of workplace violence. William Marcisz, CPP, of the ASIS Healthcare Security Community joins host Chuck Harold to discuss why building and sustaining multidisciplinary threat assessment teams can help hospitals measure risk, prevent incidents, avoid liability, and earn accreditation.
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How to Make a Business Case for Hospital Security
Webinar with William Marcisz, JD, CPP, CHPA – The Art of Selling Security to your C-Suite
Join us for a conversation with Bill Marcisz as he provides real-world, practical advice on selling security needs to the C-Suite.
- The difference between planning and strategy
- Developing a Security Plan
- How to avoid common mistakes
- C-Suite decision making
- Selling your plan
Legal Considerations for HIPAA and Wearable Solutions
Axis Communication’s webinar hub – Industry solutions

Body worn cameras or wearable surveillance solutions provide protection for facilities by preventing fraudulent claims, addressing unnecessary use of force allegations, and minimizing workplace violence. However, concerns regarding privacy and compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) arise when implementing these solutions. It is important to establish appropriate guidelines and policies to address these concerns effectively.
In this presentation, we will emphasize that the benefits of using body worn cameras generally outweigh the privacy risks. We will also propose strategies to mitigate these risks by implementing robust policies and guidelines.
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